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File List | 1996-10-10 | 5.8 KB | 129 lines |
- BIBLEQ.ZIP 543,033 02-11-96 Bible-Q v4.0 Bible-Q is a Bible trivia game
- for Windows. It contains 1200 questions draw
- from various parts of the Bible. Score can b
- kept for 1 to 10 players.
- BVOS12.ZIP 73,996 07-18-96 Bible Verse On Startup (BVOS) 1.2: Works on
- Windows 3.x and Windows 95
- BXWORD12.ZIP 227,166 03-21-96 BIBLE CROSSWORD PUZZLES - Attractive
- VGA game. Solve electronic crossword
- puzzles on your computer. Answer peek,
- save work options featured. All clues
- come from the Bible, with references
- to the King James versions. Requires
- VGA & hard disk. Version 1.2
- CCN_10.ZIP 535,843 03-29-96 Christian Christian Names - is a unique
- program which enables browsing and searching
- of nearly 800 specifically Christian given
- names w/etymological and Biblical detail
- and references. Requires MS-Windows.
- Scripture Challenge is an in-depth,
- Windows-based, Bible question and
- answer game, containing over 3600
- questions gathered from the Old and
- New Testaments. Interesting facts
- are presented as questions in a quiz-
- like environment, and users are
- prompted for the correct answers.
- The questions are grouped into dozens
- of categories, such as "Word meanings",
- "The Prophets", "Books of the Bible"
- and "Geography of the Bible".
- DEUTRCAN.ZIP 247,033 06-09-96 The Holy Bible - The Deuterocanon in Arabic:
- 1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobit, Judith, Sirach,
- Wisdom, Baruch and some additional parts of
- Daniel and Esther. Arabic Windows Help forma
- use with Arabic Windows 95
- DNT4W.ZIP 995,445 03-03-96 Deluxe New Testament for Windows - Bible
- study program containing the complete King
- James New Testament in an intuitive, easy-to
- use, 3-D Windows interface. Color maps
- Frontlets is an attractive MS Windows screen
- saver with a Bible theme. A random Bible
- verse appears every "x" seconds in LARGE hi-
- resolution graphics. Sure to draw attention!
- Screen colors and fonts can be customized to
- you tastes. Supports password protection.
- Both KJV and NIV available. Version 2.0
- JERICHO.ZIP 504,914 08-19-96 FALL OF JERICHO V3.0 Bible Educational Game
- KJDICT13.ZIP 354,615 06-28-96 KJDICTIONARY - Dictionary on the Authorized
- Version (aka 'King James Version') of the
- Bible. This program includes hundreds of
- definitions for difficult and archaic words
- found in the King James translation, from
- "Anon" to "Wist". This is a handy, useful
- resource for Bible students that will assist
- you in understanding the Bible better.
- Version 1.3 for MS Windows.
- NOS1.ZIP 612,941 07-24-96 The Prophecies of Nostradamus 1.0:
- ----------------------------------
- A hi-resolution executable "book"
- that tells you your future using
- some original "centuries" written
- by the famous French prophet and their
- respective interpretation in English
- in accord to other prophecies from
- other prophets. It's not a game...
- -----------------------------------
- Requires: DOS 3.1+ (runs under W95)
- VGA/SVGA graphics; MS/Logitech
- compatible mouse (and free free RAM).
- OLT_3_7_.ZIP 309,467 08-15-96 OLT 3.7 the Original Language Translator
- Translates from the original Bible text.
- Produces word dictionaries in any language.
- Makes learning any language EASY.
- PROVSO22.ZIP 135,732 09-24-96 PROVERBS OF SOLOMON - Bible game/info
- A menu-driven program that tests and
- increases one's knowledge of the Old
- Testament book of Proverbs. The
- program features interactive quizzes
- that challenge your memory, and many
- commentary notes and study helps.
- Version 2.2
- RBIBWWD1.ZIP 525,813 07-31-96 RECOVERY Bible for WINDOWS Demo Weymouth
- Modern Speech Version - V. 1.0 Complete
- Weymouth New Testament specially marked and
- annotated for people in recovery, 12 Step
- programs, or anyone studying the Bible.
- Demo version only has the Book of Matthew.
- Requires Windows 3.1 or later.
- REDSEA3.ZIP 516,372 07-04-96 Crossing the Red Sea v3.00 <ASP> is like no
- other Bible quiz game you've ever played. No
- matter who you are, you get just the right
- difficulty of questions, and the points are
- random so that anyone can win. And everyone
- will learn. All this and entertaining
- graphics and animation, too. Great for famil
- times, individual play, Sunday School, VBS,
- parties, etc. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
- SS9530.ZIP 3,817,334 05-09-96 SwordSearcher95 v3.0 Windows95 Bible search,
- read, and noting utility. Search for any
- words or phrase. Set bookmarks. Create notes
- for any verse. Cross references in notes are
- viewed with a simple double-click. Search
- notes. Plug-in note modules available. Save,
- print, or copy text to the clipboard.
- Designed to take advantage of Windows95 and
- 32 bit performance, without sacrificing a
- simple interface. An ideal Bible study tool.
- SS95GBF.ZIP 1,793,891 05-09-96 Geneva Bible Footnotes note set plug-in for
- SwordSearcher95. SwordSearcher95 is required
- SS95MHCC.ZIP1,490,014 05-09-96 Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary note set
- plug-in for SwordSearcher95. SwordSearcher95
- is required.
- SS95PNTC.ZIP 903,034 05-25-96 The People's New Testament Commentary plug-i
- note set plug-in for SwordSearcher95.
- SwordSearcher95 is required.
- SS95TFN.ZIP 137,706 05-25-96 KJV Translator's Footnotes note set plug-in
- for SwordSearcher95. SwordSearcher95 is
- required.
- SS95TOD.ZIP 2,506,239 05-25-96 C.H. Spurgeon's Treasury of David note set
- plug-in for SwordSearcher95. (Only through
- Psalm 85.) SwordSearcher95 is required.
- SS95TSK.ZIP 2,312,211 05-09-96 Treasury of Scripture Knowledge note set
- plug-in for SwordSearcher95. Contains verse
- notes and over 500,000 cross references.
- SwordSearcher95 is required.